What is Guidecraft?
Our thoughts on what makes a great guide
Guide-craft begins with choice - it is an enterprise in ensuring first, foremost and always that a person under the guide’s care has the agency to say no. The guide’s task is to work with the guidee to identify that person’s metric of success and to help that person realize the success metric that they have chosen.
A proper guide has deep knowledge of the arena in which the guidework is happening. The guide knows the essential care-tags of the clients; how to keep them grounded and safe. The guide knows the parameters that contain the experience and can articulate those limits, the permission and the opportunities to learn most deeply. The guide tells the story of the experience, before, during and after. The guide reinforces the boundaries of the learning zone. The guide helps the client to stay connected to the experience when it’s over.
These things we know, but how are they nuanced to your industry? How has your experience been formed by excellence in guidecraft? Please tell us!

An outstanding guide recognizes that they cannot do it all. They will work as a team, combine their strengths and co-facilitate an experience to reach transformation. They will identify the necessary ingredients and bring in many voices to create a program.
Miki Fire
Be aware of what is happening in the moment. Prepare, prepare, prepare, and then use none of your materials. Exceptional guides are super aware and do not stick to a plan if the group needs something different. They let go of outcomes.
Emily Braucher
Nothing beats experience when it comes to guidework. Theory and understanding, a bag of facilitation tricks, communication and awareness are crucial, but you cannot coach someone on experience. Get out there and experience, then guide.